Based on basics trendlines and market news, there are many indicators pointing to the end of BTC foolishness and the more adoption of the blockchain as a form of trusted assets transfer. The proposal of Ethereum Smart Contracts and the easiness of the creation of new tokens based on its platform will bring not only adopters (Microsoft, Cisco, Amazon, Facebook) but also money to this world. Eventually ETH can also become a traded currency but that's not its main reason so the adoption will come more naturally as well they can control its value to not become too inflated and scary for the business that wants to adopt and accept it.
2018 is gonna be the year of the cryptocurrency and blockchain as the new internet. And ETH is in a better position of becoming the leader of this movement due to the geniuses behind it and not living anonymous neither seeking for "easy money". Whatever coin you want to invest, look for the one you have real faces behind it and their curriculum. And let's make the smartest and right choices so everyone wins.