
Mark Cuban on $ETH

“As an investment, I think Ethereum has the most upside,” Cuban told CNBC. He has been bullish on Ethereum (CRYPTO: ETH) in many conversations throughout 2021.

Smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain “really changed everything” for crypto, Cuban said on “The Delphi Podcast” in April.

“I wish I had bought sooner,” Cuban said of Ethereum. “I think it’s the closest we have to a true currency.”

Cuban said Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC) is “better gold than gold,” but wouldn’t go as far as recommending BTC over ETH. Cuban likes the fact that there is scarcity with Bitcoin due to its limited amount in existence.

Dogecoin is recommended by Cuban as the top cryptocurrency to learn the space and the community involvement. Dogecoin is a top 10 cryptocurrency by market cap and Cuban sees the influence from community and supporters as part of the reason, calling an investment in Dogecoin “fun.”

“It’s a medium that can be used for the acquisition of goods and services. The community for Doge is the strongest when it comes to using it as a medium of exchange.”

