Take a look at the chart of GET. After spending ages going nowhere its price is starting to wake up. It still hasn't reached the $7 peak seen in 2017.
GET is used to prevent ticket scalping (The practice of buying up 100s of tickets to an event and re-selling them at an egregious profit).
It is invisible to the typical event attendee. They just see a ticket in an app on their phone. However that ticket is powered by €0.28 of GET. After the ticket has been used, the GET is burned.
All the GET which will ever exist have already been issued. Due to the burning, GET is a deflationary token.
As a "white label" product. any ticketing company can use the GET Protocol. 4 ticketing companies have starting using GET.
In 2021 GET is selling more tickets than ever before - despite the lockdowns. When the lockdowns are over, think how many more tickets will be sold. That means more demand for GET and more GET burned.