



1. Monetary Policy

The ECB used the April meeting as a place holder meeting for the most part by not announcing any additional policy tweaks. The plans to phase out the APP into Q3 remained intact by reducing purchases from 40bln to 30bln in May and then down to 20bln in June. Markets were leaning towards a slightly more hawkish take from the bank (given recent inflation pressures), but the lack of conviction to remove the conditionality regarding the APP removal was seen as dovish. President Lagarde added to this dovish tone by explaining that Q3 has three months and IF the bank stops the APP, it could happen July, August or September. This was an important statement as the difference between a July and September end could mean the difference between a Q3 or Q4 rate hike. The president also added to the dovish tone by stressing that risks for the economic outlook are tilted to the downside and have recently intensified with geopolitical and virus-related challenges. When asked about policy normalization, the president made a strange comment by saying it is premature to think about monpol normalisation. As the bank is currently embarking on normalization this comment seemed out of place and reaffirmed the overall dovish take from the meeting. There were the usual sources releases after the presser which said policymakers see a July hike as still possible after Thursday's meeting, which provided some reprieve. With inflation >7% and growth slowing, the June meeting which accompanies staff economic projections will be critical for markets to solidify whether expectations of 1 or 2 hikes this year is correct or not.

2. Economic & Health Developments

Growth differentials still favour the US over EU capital flows, but differentials have turned positive against the UK. Given growing stagflation fears the ECB is in a tough spot, being forced to normalize policy to try and combat inflation but could as a result damage growth. Ongoing EU fiscal discussions to possibly allow ‘green bonds’ NOT to count against budget deficits remains in focus, alongside debt issuance for energy purchases. If approved, it will offer a flood of fiscal support which would be positive for the EUR and EU equities. Geopolitics The EUR pushed lower aggressively after initial geopolitical scares but have been trying to carve out a base. Proximity to the war and the impact of sanctions remains a risk if the situation deteriorates. With lots of negatives already priced, chasing lows on bad news is not as attractive as chasing the EUR higher on good news.

3. CFTC Analysis

Very bearish signal from recent positioning update as all three major categories saw sizeable net-short weekly changes yet again. The price action throughout the week has reflected this change in sentiment quite well. However, given how much bad news has been priced and recent hawkish comments, we could see some attractive opportunities on the long side of the EUR, but catalysts will be key.

4. The Week Ahead

Very light calendar week for the EUR next week with German ZEW data and ECB speak the main highlights. This week closed out with some very hawkish comments from ECB’s Villeroy (neutral) who talked up the possibility of hiking rates into positive territory by year-end and also noting that inflation expectations are becoming less and less anchored. His comments were very significant and the most hawkish than any of the other neutral members for the Governing Council. His comments do open up some possible upside for the EUR next week, especially if comments from President Lagarde starts to shift more to the hawkish side as well. As always, whatever happens to the USD will be important for the EUR which means US CPI data will be a key data point to watch for EUR price action. Apart from that, geopolitics will also be in focus as the EU tries to get an oil embargo over the table. The proposals presented so far has been unable to dent EUR sentiment on the negative side, mainly because a lot of bad news has already been priced into the EUR in recent weeks and months. The other risk to watch is Finland and Sweden’s plans to try and join NATO, which could spark retaliation from Russia, and is a serious risk to keep on the horizon as well.



1. Monetary Policy

At the May meeting, the Fed delivered on hawkish expectations regarding rates by hiking the Fed Funds Rate by 50bsp and also confirmed that the committee expects further 50bsp hikes to be appropriate. The fed also stuck to a familiar hawkish tone by downplaying the prospects of an imminent recession by explaining that even though the economy contracted in Q1, that household spending and business investment remained strong. The Chair also stuck to their guns regarding the rate path by suggesting that they think reaching neutral (currently estimated at 2.4%) before year-end would be appropriate and will assess the need for further hikes when they get there. There were however some less hawkish elements which saw a very classic ‘sell-the-fact’ reaction in major asset classes. The first one was on the Quantitative Tightening front where the bank decided on a phased approach for balance sheet reduction by starting the monthly caps at 30bn (treasuries) and 17.5bn ( MBS ) and pushing it up to the expected $60bn (treasuries) and $35bn ( MBS ) over a three-month timeframe. The second less hawkish element was comments from Chair Powell who took 75bsp hikes off the table saying the committee was not actively considering rate moves of that size. Interestingly, it seems STIR markets did not really believe the Fed as the probability of a 75bsp hike stood at >70% directly following the presser. All-in-all, the meeting provided a short-term ‘sell-the-fact’ opportunity, but also cemented the view that despite signs of a slowing economy and despite clear stress in financial markets, the Fed is sticking to their aggressive tightening for now.

2. Global & Domestic Economy

As the reserve currency, the USD’s global usage means it’s usually inversely correlated to the global economy and global trade. The USD usually appreciates when growth & inflation slows (disinflation) and depreciates when growth & inflation accelerates (reflation). Thus, current expectations of a cyclical slowdown are a positive driver for the Dollar. Incoming data will be watched in relation to the ‘Fed Put’ as there are many similarities between now and 4Q18, where the Fed were also tightened into a slowdown. If growth data slows and the Fed stays hawkish it’s a positive for the USD, however if the Fed pivots dovish that’ll be a negative driver for the USD.

3. CFTC Analysis

Aggregate USD positioning remains close to 1 standard deviation above the mean, and close to prior tops where the USD topped out in previous cycles. That does not change the bullish outlook for the USD in the med-term but means that we would wait for pullbacks before initiating new longs with price at new cycle highs.

4. The Week Ahead

In the week ahead, the market’s biggest attention for the USD will turn to April CPI data, Fed Speak and Consumer Sentiment data. Even though there have been some clear signs that growth is slowing in the US economy, the Fed has kept up with promises of aggressive tightening this year as inflation is more than 4 times above target. Consensus expects headline inflation to drop to 8.1% from the prior of 8.5% and for Core YY to drop to 6.0% from 6.5%. This is mainly driven by base effects as April 2021 marks the month when price pressures started to really ramp up in the US. After the previous surprise miss in Core CPI and PCE , a bigger-than-expected miss in CPI could spark further speculation about ‘peak inflation’. Thus, any print close to or below the market’s minimum expectations could see some downside pressure in the USD and US10Y , as both are trading very close to cycle highs. We will also unfortunately be inundated by Fed speak next week as various officials will be running for the microphone to voice their own opinion of the May policy decision. As usual their comments will be watched closely for any new information that was not shared in the statement or during the presser with the Chair. We’ll also have updated Consumer Sentiment data, which will be important to see whether the bounce we saw from the prior reading is followed up with another, or whether sentiment deteriorates further from already recession territory lows. As always, risk sentiment will also be a focus for the safe haven Dollar.
