CPI (GBP) Potential Sellside Draw GBPUSD

The CPI (GBP) is going to be released at 02:00 NY Time today and what I am anticipating is firstly a push into the H4 FVG which on the H1 will result in a Turtle Soup (False Break of Structure). The Key is to note that with draw we move from External Liquidity (Highs/Lows) to Internal Liquidity (FVG's) and versa. If the rebalance does not occur I will react accordingly.

After the H4 FVG is rebalanced I am anticipating a High Volatility Draw to the Daily Sell Stops. In fact what is very important to note is that IPDA (Interbank Price Delivery Algorithm) is running a bit late and the Daily Price 1.23740 has to be reached within the next 12 Days.

Concerning the Long Term Sellside Narrative, refer to my GBPUSD Long-term Draw analysis below.
GBPUSD Longterm Draw

King Regards,

CPI Proved to be negative on the GBP, hence proving the analysis to be correct.
I anticipate further Sellside Volatility to enter the market for the rest of the week.

Kind Regards,
Beyond Technical Analysisictictconceptsictfvgictkillzones
