GBP/USD : Up , Down or Sideways ?

This is Parabolic approach. A better method.

The principal trend continues to be Dashed Blue DB( , because the dominant Parabolic Channel continues to be the Solid Blue horn Rooted in the High; 17 Apr '18. maybe the idea window will display that.

Looking at it along '19 we see upper Solid Red curve SR ( . That belongs to a Parabolic Horn rooted 07 Nov '18. The Jag 'heard' it again of late. it has been the prevailing mood of GBP/USD throughout autumn '18.
Currently the Jag is equivocating between Thin Black TB ( and Dashed Violet DV (
The 07 Feb '19 low is a defining moment for the change this Jag is presenting.

Notice that Thin Black belongs to a Parabolic Horn rooted 02 Jan '19. Its a bit to wide to soon to hold.

A Climb to Upper Solid Blue would be along upper Solid Red SR ( . That does not feel correct. Solid Blue Horn is disorganizing. Thus the appearance of Solid Red Horn. Then that disorganized and Thin Black precipitated.

Sideways: The Jag would move long Thin Black, TB(
Down: The Jag could also obey DV( , Dashed Violet into March.

Resistance to a downturn is around 1.24 Lower Solid Blue LSB ( channel.

The overall breakthrough is the recognition of the likely, potential paths the Jag will be attracted. The curves hold potential Highs or lows that vary over time. Technical analysis channels are crude approximations for the a Jags ( jagged price curve ) behavior .
Beyond Technical AnalysisChart PatternsTrend Analysis

