Again as with the levels, first ima tell how to locate both real & imaginary waves, then I'll explain the principle itself, what are they, why it works etc, why we need em & how to use em. It's really easier this way.
Let's start with imaginary waves.
First, pls read the linked "Imaginary levels: fair price aka value", it has an explanation and another common example & about the imaginary levels.
As with imaginary levels, imaginary waves are, well, imagined xd, when there's nothing else, but a decision has to be made.
Look at the chart as if you're in 2k13 (when ASAP dropped Trap Lord) as in the previous example in the linked study, we have an overridden wave 520-1923.7, we have an imagined fair price level somewhere around 1200.
When we have an overridden wave -> we have the imaginary fair price level somewhere ~ in the middle of this wave -> that fair price level divides the real wave into 2 imaginary waves.
As with imaginary levels, imaginary waves can be used for further processing.