If there's one thing I learned over the years its if you want to understand where you are in the market then you need to understand where you're coming from.
A wise man once said "WTF happened in 1969" No one is really sure... (bretton woods lol)
But what we do know is GOLD went on a parabolic bull run doing 20x returns over the next 10 years into April 1980.
And I believe we're currently witnessing the exact same GOLD cycle play out that started in 1969 but in todays case it started in 2001.
The first stealth accumulation wedge started in 1969 and was followed by 2 massive waves which played out over 10 years.
The first wave up into January 1975 saw a 500% increase followed by a -50% drop into 1976 🥑
The second wave started in September 1976 which was the final leg of this rally sending GOLD soaring into January 1980🚩for a total of 20x returns from the 1969 floor🦎
@ exactly 10x from the floor GOLD began its final blowoff rally and began to consolidate & distribute over the next 20 years where it finally found a bottom late 1999
From late 1999 into early 2001 we saw the exact same stealth accumulation wedge occur that we saw in 1969.🦎
After this stealth accumulation wedge in 2001 GOLD once again started a parabolic bullrun extremely similar to the 1970s run.
From 2001 into 2012 GOLD put in a massive 500% wave followed by a -50% drop into January 2016
Exactly like we saw go down from 1969-1975
Right now GOLD is closing in on 10x returns from the 2000 lows and on top of this we are closing in on a massive trendline I have dating back to the 70s.. (also the 1930s)
Here's where it gets crazier...
In the late 1970s do you know what sent soaring into its final highs??
High inflation, Monetary policy shifts, Geopolitical instability (with iran & russia)... and a dying dollar ( DXY)
Sound familiar?
They say history doesn't repeat but it most definitely rhymes.
Is GOLD going to break this resistance and enter into a massive blowoff phase and complete 20x returns exactly like we saw go down in the 1970s cycle?
Or will it get cut off here @ 10x from the dotcom lows.
As far as I can see the only major difference in this cycle is that BTC (Digital Gold) exists today where as back then it did not.
In my opinion if we break through this final upper resistance that I have which coincides with the 10x returns from dotcom lows.... watch out.