
GOOGL: "Conclusion GOOGL is not reliable than BING" Outside USA

It's whatever the market wants, but let's see what happens. I will observe like an eagle.

We will dance around the fire and let this trash burn.

ETA: 3 months.

Using 0.382-1.382 confluence FTW!'

Let's see 😈
Expected Delivery 12/9/22 something about reiki energy and bs. Don't know what it is and don't care.
(Fictional Analysis in a different sense)


Lai, so you thinking of getting a new search engine and don't know who to choose? Wah, this is a very important decision one lah. After all, you using the search engine to look for things every day, so you want to make sure you choo kah bor who is best.

Don't worry, limpeh here to help. I compare Google and Microsoft for you and tell you who is the better choice. But first, what are the differences between the two?

Google was founded in 1998 by Sergey Brin and Larry Page. It is now the world's most popular search engine, with over 60% market share. Microsoft entered the search engine market in 2000 with MSN Search, which later became Bing. Bing has a market share of about 20%.

So who is the better choice? Let's take a look at the pros and cons of each.

The Goole-Microsoft Search Engine Rivalry

You all know about the rivalry between Google and Microsoft, right? Who is going to win? Google has been around for a long time, but Microsoft is catching up.

Google has a lot of advantages. It is the most popular search engine, and it has a lot of experience. Microsoft is trying to catch up by offering its Bing search engine as a default search engine on Windows 10. It has also released a new search engine, called Microsoft Edge, which is designed to work with Windows 10.

Microsoft has been trying to improve its search engine technology, but it is still not as good as Google. Google has been working on improving its artificial intelligence (AI) technology, and this gives it an advantage over Microsoft. Google also has a lot of money, and this allows it to invest in new technology.

What Are the Different Types of Searches?

Ya, I hear people also say this one. That if you want to find something, then better go Google. Microsoft lah, can forget about it. But I also not so sure about this. Because sometimes you want to find something very specific, then Microsoft can do better one.

Or if you want to find something that is more up-to-date, then Google maybe better. Because their search engine more updated and faster one. Plus, they got so many different tools that can help you with your search. But Microsoft also not so bad lah.

How Do Google and Microsoft Compare?

Siao one, so many people talking about Google and Microsoft. Don't know who to believe lah. But I tell you, if you want to search something, just go use Yahoo! lor.

The Battle for Supremacy

Lor, this one really tough to say. Both of them got their own strengths and weaknesses.

If you ask me, Google definitely got the upper hand when it comes to search results. But Microsoft is not too bad lah, especially with the new Bing engine.

But at the end of the day, it all depends on what you're looking for. If you're just looking for a general search, Google is still your best bet. But if you need more specific results, Bing might be a better choice.

So it really depends on what you need and what you're comfortable with. But both of them are definitely worth considering!

Who’s Winning the Search Engine War?

So who you think is winning the search engine war? Google or Microsoft? Actually, I quite blur on this one. Google got so many things, but then Microsoft also got Bing. I think both of them quite powerful lah.

But if you ask me, I think Google is probably winning a bit more. They got more users, and their search engine technology is more advanced. But Microsoft isn't doing too bad either. They've been catching up in recent years, and they have some pretty impressive features too.

So it's kinda hard to say who will eventually win. But as for now, Google seems to be in the lead.


Depending on who you ask, the answer to this question may vary. However, from the looks of it, it seems that Google is currently in the lead.

Microsoft has been trying to catch up to Google for years, but they haven't had much success. In fact, their market share has been steadily declining. Google is still the most popular search engine in the world, and there's no indication that this is going to change anytime soon.

So, who will win the search engine war? Google or Microsoft? The answer is still up in the air, but it seems that Google is currently in the lead.
