GRT / TetherUS



币种 1天流入量 3天流入量

YGG 179,4148 179,4148

**EDEN 42,2058 62,3887 (持续流入)

FXS 23,9676 23,9676

FRAX 21,5911 21,5911

**GRT 12,2733 12,2733 (三角形突破将大涨)

*LDO 11,0788 11,0788

AXS_new 8,4240 8,4240

UST 8,3988 8,3988

XYZ 7,6621 7,6621

ERN 6,6497 6,6497


SLP (SmoothLovePotion) is the Non-Fungible Token (NFT) with the highest trading volume in 24 hours. $314,875 buy $0 sell

LINK (ChainLinkToken) is the DeFi Token with the highest trading volume in 24 hours. $0 buy $481,119 sell

MANA (Decentraland) is the Gaming Token with the highest trading volume in 24 hours. $282,482 buy $0 sell

LINK (ChainLinkToken) is the Polygon Ecosystem Token with the highest trading volume in 24 hours. (Except MMATIC) $0 buy $481,119 sell


币种 人均买入数量 人均卖出数量 人均净买入数量
ETH 15 9 +6 (第一次发现买的多了)
SHIB 5,1754,4403 1,2206,4031 +3,9548,0372
USDC 2349 5780 -3431
USDT 1560 7763 -6203
BAT 1500 / +1500
MATIC 300 1080 -780
SLP 4681 / +4681
SNX 27 / +27
JASMY 1213 / +1213
MANA 96 / +96


币种 人均持有量(上次扫描) 人均持有量(本次扫描) 人均持仓变化
ETH 3,6990 3,6987 -3.0
SHIB 74,6253,2547 284,8486,2738 +210,2233,0191.0
SNA / 80,2227 80,2227
OKB 1,9496 1,9496 +0.0
CRO 121,7170 121,7170 +0.0
WBTC 4 4 +0.0
HOT 1735,0119 1735,0119 +0.0
BEST 21,1735 21,1735 +0.0
LINK 6376 6376 +0.0
BTR 66,9886 66,9886 +0.0


(1) boba Network (OMG) 与2021-11-04 04:58:13发布了:

Don't forget, November 19 is our airdrop date! (Snapshot on the 12th) We have great exchange partners like @upbitglobal and FTX_Official, make sure that your exchange is one of them to receive the airdrop Visit

(2) TERRA (UST) Powered by LUNA 与2021-11-04 00:29:11发布了:

You can now borrow/lend and LP UST on @ApricotFinance on solana using Wormhole UST (USTw)! Bridge from Terra --> Solana using @wormholecrypto and start deploying UST cross-chain on Apricot today :) Word is Apricot's retro airdrops will be allocated to USTw depositors too

(3) apricot Finance 与2021-11-03 22:53:22发布了:

Super excited to support USTw from @terra_money via @wormholecrypto. Also added @Saber_HQ USTw-USDC LP farming to X-Farm! LEND: deposit/borrow USTw X-FARM: deposit anything we support to start farming up to 3x USTw-USDC LP

(4) Nexus Mutual 与2021-11-03 23:48:09发布了:

Nexus Mutual members want to honour your policy & cover your losses. We can compensate you for the loss through the Community Fund, which would require a Snapshot vote approved by the Nexus Mutant community.

(5) BitDao 与2021-11-03 22:41:16发布了:

BIP-4: Swap BIT for FTT (with alamedaresearch) snapshot vote is successful and has been executed. This is one of the largest DAO swaps to date.


(1) AnKr 与2021-11-04 02:00:01发布了:

#Polygon Liquid Staking with #Ankr #StakeFi Boost Yields 1⃣Liquidity mining opportunities are enabled by providing liquidity for pools in decentralized exchanges. The first main liquidity pools are expected to be aMATICb/ETH.


(1) The Kava Platform 与2021-11-04 08:01:24发布了:

Upcoming GameFi MMORPG Elfin Kingdom has been selected by Kava Labs to receive support from the Kava Ignition Fund. The partnership will accelerate the integration of the Kava Mainnet with Elfin Kingdom, allowing users to put their in-game rewards to work in the Kava Ecosystem.

(2) icon Foundation 与2021-11-04 00:53:58发布了:

A special shoutout to @TheIconistNews for live tweeting the Mainnet Launch Party!

(3) icon Foundation 与2021-11-04 00:50:01发布了:

ICON 2.0 Mainnet is live and blocks are coming in! #ICONProject IICX

(4) icon Foundation 与2021-11-04 00:38:16发布了:

ICON 2.0 Mainnet Migration is happening now! Watch live as steps are cleared and crossed out.

(5) The Iconist 与2021-11-04 00:15:29发布了:

Says benny_options ICON will become melting pot of communities.

(6) iris Network 与2021-11-03 22:48:00发布了:

The IRIS Hub 1.2 Mainnet Upgrade Governance Proposal #8 has been submitted on chain and is now in the VOTING PERIOD #IRISgardians, cast your vote for the Internet of Values.


(1) Harmony 与2021-11-04 02:55:31发布了:

1/ We are thrilled to announce that Synapse @SynapseProtocol is integrating with Harmony @harmonyprotocol #Synapse is a cross-chain layer protocol powering #interoperability between chains. Here's what the integrations offers #HarmonyONE #Blockchain


(1) Ontology 与2021-11-04 10:22:33发布了:

#Ontology Consensus Round 162 has ended See summary of annualized yield, increase in stake, operation status & fee sharing ratio changes of nodes Highest Annualized Yield: @unifiprotocol (47%) Highest Increase in Stake: Alkaid (473k ONT)

(2) trust - Crypto Wallet 与2021-11-04 10:04:16发布了:

@YungDreamBig you can stake in pancake swap

(3) bitcoin News 与2021-11-04 04:02:45发布了:

"We turned to a strong partner like SCB to help us achieve our target faster and more sustainably," said the #crypto exchange. #bitcoin #cryptocurrency

(4) Binance 与2021-11-04 01:17:09发布了:

Going live now.

(5) Binance 与2021-11-03 21:02:03发布了:

Join us for a discussion between @cz_binance and Cédric O, Secretary of State in charge of Digital Transition and Electronic Communications. Topic: challenges and opportunities in crypto ⏲ November 3 at 5PM UTC


