
Hexindai Upgrades Social e-Commerce Platform Xiaobai Maimai

Hexindai Upgrades Social e-Commerce Platform Xiaobai Maimai

launched an upgraded version of its new form of social e-commerce platform Xiaobai Maimai, offering high-quality and affordable branded products.

Xiaobai Maimai leverages its cooperation with major domestic e-commerce platforms and services marketplaces as part of its integrated buyer resources to select and source goods and services.

Xiaobai Maimai deploys a membership rating system that rewards users with a small commission for every purchase, share or recommendation of a product made to friends.

As of July 31, 2020, Xiaobai Maimai had approximately 160,000 active users on the app.

Recently, the operating entity of Xiaobai Maimai successfully joined the Social e-Commerce Branch of China Association of Trade in Services (CATIS) and became one of its Deputy Presidents.

CATIS has more than 300 members representing various leading companies and industries nationwide.

