Information is Power - they knew it hundreds of years ago, and only allowed the Church / Wealthy access to reading/writing . .and they still use the same philosophies today - keep the masses ignorant, and pliable . .via the mass-media - THIS goes for ALL mass-media, including Crypto . .I bet they much of the Crypto Press are owned by the same Multinationals that own everything (Blackrock ect) . .I mention all of this for one main reason -
ICP Internet Computer arrived with grand ideals - Web 3 - get away from the Gates Microsoft / Google / Amazon ect monopolies on all life...into a freer more Democratic Internet / World . .Immediately at launch their token sale was high-jacked / fooled with . .I wonder by whom ? . .Ever since you will note that the Crypto Press (owned by Whom ?) NEVER EVER mention their achievements, and when they have to - i.e. the BTC interface launch the other day - they NEVER highlight it . .quickly forgotten again / conveniently..I get the feeling ICP is THE REVOLUTION they, the Elite, DO NOT INTEND TO ALLOW...despite Public opinion . .same old story - going back hundreds of years folks !!! . .Democracy/Freedom are words they use against you - to imprison you - AND its about to get MUCH MUCH worse - be warned . .Covid/Ukraine ect ect were no accident . .