JSE:J200   South Africa Top 40 Index
JSE Top 40 Index (Spot): The index has advanced strongly from our last buy/long call on 03-October at 48232. While we saw the index dip slightly lowers, spending a day or two below the recommended buy zone, the 'swing' higher eventually unfolded with a very strong move higher throughout the course of last week. At current levels, the candle structure remains strong although I am less enthusiastic to call a buy/long at current levels that I was 11 days ago. Which levels to watch? I see 49700 as a resistance zone with the 200-day MA at 49832 just above that. Following that 50066 may also act a a short term cap. Fresh longs, I would wait for the price to pull back to 48650 for a new short term entry. The RSI has recently crossed over into bullish territory and now trades at 52 while turning up.
