

Here's what I am looking at, and I do believe LTC will rocket into the $400 - $500 price range around Christmas or New Year's?
Looks like pressure is building in Volume and intensity as represented in the MACD scale at the bottom of the graph. A Potential Market structure may be building, which I think is bullish and ready to burst north to said price range, mentioned earlier. So many people are creating accounts with Coinbase and all of the other Crypto-Coin Markets that the pull back we are witnessing may be little more than (HODL ers) myself included; waiting for the rise in price before we cough up our precious LTC Coins. If you back out of the graph and look at it from a YTD view or All time view going back more than just the last year; you will see an "S-Curve," forming up, which once again indicates that there is serious pressure building for the upside explosion. (Sadly so much of the Markets in general are truly determined by human "Confidence," and not so much raw data via charts. Which brings me to my next point...we may be seeing the REAL "FREE-MARKET," in Cryptos working hard because the US Dollar (Federal Reserve) is dying. Most Fiat Currencies only last around 30 years or so and we are beyond that point; i.e, Brenton Woods (President Nixon) therefore, the Crypto Market Space will only increase as the US Dollar inflates itself away...similar to the concept of a "Crack-UP Boom of which Austrian Economist prescribe too.
The early Continental Dollars, used by George Washington meet a similar fate and people just stopped using them...this is a rare opportunity for all Cryptos; if I am correct.
The Ultimate measure of "Elasticity is Time," we will just have to wait and see....until them buy up LTC and Vertcoin...The Lightning Network and Atomic Swaps are going to be GANGBUSTERS!!!
