Lyft, Inc.

Lyft | LYFT | Long at $9.75

First, from a technical analysis perspective, LYFT has not "officially" found a bottom yet. No one can confidently state it has - their guess is as good as yours. This analysis is full of caution simply around the fact this stock could absolutely dip to below $5.00 in the future.

With that said, LYFT is currently the #3 travel app in the Apple store (#1 is Uber, #2 is Airbnb). It has a 4.9 (Apple) and 4.7 (Google) star rating and tens of millions of downloads. Car prices, insurance rates, parking fees, gas/electric rates, etc. are pushing more people into the rideshare environment. With a recession knocking on the US's door, the fee-for-service model will make more sense than actually owning for many. But, a recession is a recession and the market hates them... Lyft is currently the only true competitor to Uber and its earnings are likely to grow as the travel environment "modernizes" in the future.

At $9.75, the stock closed all previous lower gaps on the daily chart. Currently, open price gaps (which are often good predictors of future price movement) are all above its current price. A bottom *may* be in, but see intro... I view the current price as a personal buy zone with room for additional shares if the price dips to near $5 (and fundamentals don't change).

A high-growth potential stock in an ever-changing travel environment.

Target #1 = $15.00
Target #2 = $22.00
Target #3 = $30.00
Target #4 = $75.00+ (long-term view...)
Target #1 reached for a 53.8% gain.

