Narmada Agrobase

Company issue price -Rs.32
Company listed Price-Rs.25.75
Current Marker Price-Rs.24.2
Whoever got this stock in IPO they are in loss because after listing stock touched high of Rs.27.25 and loss of Rs.4.75(14.84% loss).
Stock View:
Technical view not genuine at such low volumes.
Retail investors have struck in this stock as per above data.Most of them want to exit at no loss or at nominal profit.QIB's lock in period 30days for 50% portion and 90days for remaining 50% portion. On Dec 07 2022 it looks like big hands transfers quantity to weak hands.
Don't invest your hard earned money on such low volume stocks.we have around 188 f&o stocks diversify your portfolio.if you have chance to exit,exit most of the quantity and invest in blue chip and mid cap companies.
Good luck to whoever holding this stock.

