
Reasons to be supported by 11988.2

OANDA:NAS100USD   US Nas 100
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(NAS100USD chart)
The HA-High indicator of the 1W chart was created at 11988.2 point.

Therefore, it is important to find support around 11988.2 and be able to rise.

This is because if the price is maintained above 11988.2, it is likely to continue its mid- to long-term uptrend.

If not, you need to make sure it is supported in section 3.

The next period of volatility is around March 1st.


(SPX500USD chart)
The key is whether you can rise above 4000.

If not, you should check if it finds support around 3931.2 and moves up along the uptrend line.


(DXY chart)
If it rises above the 104.738-105.873 range, the investment market is likely to enter a downturn.

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** All descriptions are for reference only and do not guarantee profit or loss in investment.

** If you share this chart, you can use the indicators normally.

** The MRHAB-T indicator includes indicators that indicate points of support and resistance.

** Check the formulas for the MS-Signal, HA-Low, and HA-High indicators at (

(Short-term Stop Loss can be said to be a point where profit or loss can be preserved or additional entry can be made by split trading. This is a short-term investment perspective.)


[Example of exchange chart setup]


