Let's keep an eye on the japanese economy :)

If no giant sea monster invades the land, their stock market has a shot at going back to ath.
Right now we are fighting this very important - actually much more important than ath - resistance, but we can see there is bearish divergence on the monthly chart.
And there are many reasons as to why we do not go up. A correction is necessary and I think will happen in the next few months.


But after this has happened, when for example the US economy collapses and investors pull their money out and want to put it elsewhere, it is possible they send it over to Japan. If I were to invest in the next year(s) this is what I would do. Pick solid companies there and let's goooooo!
Buy early in the market cycle thing. I wonder how dividends are?

So many people love pokemon giant robots and lizards, anime etc, Japanese foods but no one loves the Japan stocks.
How much investors put into jp stock should be proportional to how much they take of the culture?
If USA is 100 culture and 50 stock, and Japan is 50 culture, it should be 25 stock right?
They are certainly not as undervalued as below 10.000 points at the extreme of the selling, but once that level is beaten in a few months, very quick growth is possible. The thrill euphoria phases go fast. Just get in early but not too early in other words, unless you want to wait 15 years.

I think I will take a look in a couple of months.
This will take a long time for sure.

Economic CyclesjapanjapanstockJapan 225StocksSupport and Resistance

