
The end of value creation and capitalism. Game over

Post-scarcity economy is coming. No currency nor value in the future. Money is creating havoc in this world
of competition and its coming to an end. Cost of living is free in the coming future so investing is a big
waste of time and resources. As you can see the motivation in the markets is dying. Debt can no longer
support the world economy any longer. The world is changing to save ourselves from extinction.
No currency No investments No competition creates equality and richer lives with deeper meaning.
There is no future if cost of living continues to rise and climate change affects global health and stability.
A brave new world is about to happen and millions of wealthy people will not like losing there status.
Enrich your lives and focus on reflection of ones self. Life is meaningless as a slave to cost of living.
The End of value creation to promote wealth of knowledge.
Artificially creating inflation creates inflation. Without cost of living the world will begin to heal
from climate change. Poverty and inequality will become extinct or the human race will become
extinct. Resources are precious and so is life.
