
Hey, got a few thoughts about stupidity. I want to make an idea about logic too which is something I guess few people have, but it is eliminatory.
For the idea about logic you'll have to wait. Here I will gloat about some very easy calls people disagreed with and have now been proven right, and I will also shame dumb people.

Ah the sweet smell of victory.

Now that the US election is over Black Lives Matter is complaining that democrats are ignoring them, they are not answering their messages, they are not inviting them to talks, and democrats are cracking down on "defund the police". It was so obvious this would happen. All the people that disagreed and argued deserve to be shamed, if I find one I'm rubbing it in their face. So obvious.

Sanofi, the company famous for sending a dengue vaccine to the Philippines which resulted in the few hundred kids that took it dropping dead, has announced their covid vaccine would AT BEST be ready for the end of 2021. Meanwhile Pfizer vaccine that we know nothing about have started being injected this week. Pfizer just that performant, great job. Pfizer vaccine which the long term effects of are totally unknown has apparently made known the short term effects and correct me if I am wrong but I heard they were much bigger than usual and that it was worrying (lots of big headaches and more) oh and of course I already said it this is official infertility for women (and lactating women should not take it).

But hey who cares about these small side effects we are too many humans on the planet right? Absolute braindead apes said so so it must be true. Bill Gates, a man that got lucky being at the right place at the right time once and stole an idea, then later one bought jpegs on the internet (genius!), a man that loses billions starting an idiotic business of buying paint pictures on the internet knows best. Also all the other scumbags that are ALWAYS WRONG ABOUT EVERYTHING. These guys are as bad as Roubini and just like Roubini they are persuaded they know best!

Roubini gets invited to the Senate and they ask him for advice, a man bearish on Bitcoin since $10 and bearish on the stock market since 2009. This clown perma bear has a mental breakdown each time BTC makes a new ath and is constantly in denial and finding excuses. But at least he did not invest billions & all his time into collecting rare pepes.

Other things on which I will be proven right with 100% certainty:

A tremendous amount of people are too stupid to talk too.
Studies and data meta analysis keeps showing that hydroxychloroquine azithromycin zinc reduces death but they're literally too stupid to even understand that sentence "ooga booga Trump said inject bleach", "I'm rly smart otorities sayed hydroxychloroquine no gud". NO ONE SAID ON ITS OWN.

1 paper claims that H+A + Zinc is 1.5 times as effective as H+A alone.
Hydroxychloroquine is supposed to push Zinc into the cell.
SO YES if you give yoghurts and peas to a patient or a glucose transfusion and no Zinc, the effect of boosting the absorption of zinc by HCQ is useless.
I think these ape brains do not comprehend that nx0 = 0 no matter n.
And paracetamol is more toxic...

Another thing everyone just ignores is that we saw nearly everyone with a Vit D deficiency die and nearly no one with sufficient levels die...

Vitamin D and Zinc make huge differences but they get completely ignored.
Planet of the apes. Let's wear paper masks and avoid sunlight instead.

This guy made an idea about how buying IPOS was dumb:

Hey so today earlier, or yesterday, Peter McCormack, a guy that is what like 50? He's been in crypto for years and BTC is at ath.
He took a loan where he says (if he knows how to count) "$46,250 loan today at 7.9% and bought 2.55 #bitcoin. By 2026 I will have to pay back $57,806.85."
So... how... is this guy still poor? He is lying to bait people into doing this? People fall for this? Or is he actually broke and buying at ath and taking crap loans?
According to the UK regulators crypto "investors" lose tremendous money. I would be willing to bet that me, a perma bear during the entire bear market, that kept saying BTC was a ponzi going to zero, and crypto is just a "seldom side hussle" for me, did far better on the upside alone, than all these Bitcoin obsessed fomoers :)

But how are people so incredibly bad at investing? In particular short term.
Crypto investors = awful.
Stock investors = awful (thinking of tik tok & robinhood especially).
Forex investors = 🤮

It's not about finding a secret, it's not about doing something special, it's about not making horrific mistakes and not being a complete idiot.
Honestly I am amazed at how bad almost everyone is. Really you keep shorting up 300 points then rush to close it when it dips 50 points?
Spend all this time chasing reversal then close at the speed of light the instant it starts to maybe reverse. It's not even a big move up then small down, it's a tiny move down, not even .236, like a micro blip. Losers are position trades and winners are scalps lol. They're all smarter than all the billionaires I guess. And they keep losing but they keep doing the same thing.


It's just so stupid 😆

Hey did you know that Jeff Besos has a fortune of 200 billion? There are 7 billion humans. So he could give each one 1 billion and still have 193 billion left! He could end world hunger!
- From a mouth breathing tik tok investor.
People are saying "his heart is in the right place". Haha this is like saying a fat girl has a beautiful personality it's even worse it means it is so horrifingly bad you can't bring yourself to be honest.

Believe it or not, according to Bloomberg wealth, the financial advice that goes viral on TikTok isn't always good for you

Before I continue shaming a few tik tok comedians, a quick break: Carlos Matos made a video recently.
He is looking for women 25 to 35 to create a large bisexual love home.

One tik tok investor thinks it is a great time to short the stock market. Why? Because the bank have no more money (you know, the bank that print infinite money and expanded MZM by 20 or 30% like it was nothing this year).

Another tik tok intellectual says that hey it's to late to become a millionaire with just 44 cents through Bitcoin, but with Ripple, it is possible.

Yet another tik tok scholar is speculating that BRK bought 15 million shares of Tesla.

An 11 year old prodigee is certain EV are very early, EV is a revolution (has been for 200 years but I don't think he knows this), and price up up up.
I better watch my back, young hungry tik tok geniusses are going to create massive competition for me, I am shaking in fear they'll take my place.

A wise tik tok investor - that took an early moderna vaccine while being 25, priorities - teaches us that lockdowns don't matter to the EURUSD.
The MACD matters, the [10 other indicators he looks at] ALL are bullish (someone told him they all give the same info?), his target? 1.60.

Oh, I see Robinhood plans on making an IPO. Can't wait.

A math prodigee is giving some advice on how to turn 1000 into 20,000: Nothing more simple! All it takes is use FAANG stocks to make 2.3% a day which is 7% a week which is 28% a month. Excellent math skills and genius trick, why did I not think of it?!

Some amazing traders posted a video of them screaming after their ultra leverage options went deep into the red. Tik Tok is a goldmine of knowledge and higher thinking. I go watch each time I want to challenge myself.

A brilliant financeer managed to turn his 25000 into 1 million great job! What he did was buy $25,000 worth of shares at $90. The price climbed to 130 so he is now a millionaire. Since $40 * 25000 = 1 million. Bam! Amazing logic & math skills.

Do you need to be good at maths to trade? No not at all. But a whole lot of creatures are so unbelievably garbage at the most basic maths - or just thinking - they do not have the required math skill of about ZERO.

Glad we got so many idiots to laugh at when markets are closed.

I don't know if NZDUSD will fall. But seing how retail are closing their shorts and going long it is possible.

In Albania a man was shot dead because he was outside during the covid curfew.
Edit: Fact checkers let me know he died of covid. Sorry for the confusion.

Stupidity and delusional Dunning-Kruger:
In 1989 a man (32 year old Ellie Quo) was told by his karate instructor he was strong enough to kill wild animals with his bare hands, which pumped up the karate kid "I am the legend the master of charts".
So this dumbass went to Melbourne zoo and entered the lion den.
All they found was his hands with fur grasped tightly in his fingers.
Try telling people this story without laughing.

Heard of the Red Hill Autonomous Zone?
A bunch of social justice warriors are defending an "oppressed" african-american family from eviction.
I did some research and if it's correct what I found is ... interesting...
They took a loan to pay a bail for their son who murdered in cold blood an 83 year old man.
And they CHOOSE not to pay their rent. High standards family.
But the best part... THEY 👏 HAVE 👏 A 👏 SECOND 👏 HOUSE.
These marxists are defending them with their lives... They are mad that home prices are high and they cannot get one.
And they defend a family with 2 houses that are part of the problem. Honk Honk 🤡
91percentloseBADTechnical IndicatorsinvestinglosingtradesnoobTrend Analysis
