Most trading systems determine Market direction by putting multiple indicators on the charts. Some charts are just loaded with indicators. It's as if more is more. But more is not more.
So often indicators conflict, some showing the Market uptrending while simultaneously others showing a downtrend. And so many indicators require a lot of time to analyze. In a fast moving Market, by the time you've analyzed the indicators, the Market has changed direction.
So how can we confirm direction without cluttering up our charts?
First using our scripts, we simplfy the trading decision process by doing the analysis for you, kind of behind the scenes. We use the same indicators you are probably using manually, analyze them, and produce a chart that simply colors the candlesticks. We use green for uptrend and red for downtrend.
Simple right? You don't have to spend hours analyzing charts. Our scripts do the hard work for you. How often have you seen candlesticks where one or two candles are green and then one or two are red. Is the Market uptrending or downtrending. With normal candlesticks, it's hard to tell.
But without loads of indicators, how can we confirm the direction?
If you want confirmations, use multiple time frames. Here OAXBTC has aligned across 4 time frames, the 1 hour, 2 hour, 3 hour, and 4 hour. In this case, they all aligned. There's your confirmation without cluttering up the charts with lots of conflicting indicators.