
A MEME Coin with a heart ... Bear Market Antidote #POORPLEB

Worth a PUNT??

Low marketcap ... high risk! but I believe it will surpass the price it achieved on day1

From the plebifesto...

"We live in a world where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
The world of cryptocurrency is no different. The world is full of lost
hope and empty promises. Small players in the space are often eaten
alive by an unfair and biased structure. We are the last to know and
the last to react; we are simply crypto krill for the whales to feast
The system is rigged, they tell us to margin trade, they tell us to buy
serial numbers loosely related to JPEGs, they manufacture the narrative
and ensure the opposite; all in pursuit of the maximum amount of
For too long we have been exit liquidity, for too long we have been
chastised, for too long we have been rekt…
No more…
The PoorPleb will finally have a chance to reign supreme…"
