8 tips to keep you sharp over the weekend!

Tomorrow is Christmas eve, the general markets will be closed, of course crypto will still be rocking and rolling, but the CFD markets will be shut. In day trading it is very easy to get rusty, a few days will do the trick, so with a 3 day weekend approaching we wanted to use this time to help you stay on track so you remain "hot" for the last trading week of 2021!

For those of you who will be celebrating Christmas, you will be busy Friday and Saturday, but we're sure you can find a cheeky hour on Sunday to work on yourself, since the weekend is the perfect time to grind, and do things such as reviewing your trades, seeing which assets moved the most and why (so you can take advantage of these situations in the future).

Today's blog topic will be guidance on what you could work on this weekend to keep yourself hot and not get rusty!


1. THINK HOW CAN YOU IMPROVE YOUR PATIENCE – Having patience as a day trader will help in many ways, one of them being better entries, since entries are directly connected to our PnL it is then a vital skill to acquire, think what you could do to become a more patient trader and create a plan for the new week and apply it on your first opportunity!

2. REVIEW THE MAIN MOVERS THIS WEEK/MONTH – Every successful person, whatever industry it may-be practices a lot, the best way we trades get to practice is to review the charts and see what you could have done to profit in the new week by learning what you missed the week before

3. REVIEW YOUR RULES (PROCESS / ENTRY / EXIT / WATCHLIST) – Always helpful to read over and reevaluate your trading rules, it is a very underrate process, and because the majority of traders do not review their rules and processes they generally do not know what they are nor do they apply them!

4. VISUALIZE SUCCESS AND CHALLENGES – Visualize yourself making good/great trades. see yourself going through different scenarios and achieving the profits you seek. From seeing the perfect setup to executing the trade to exiting the trade, every aspect of trading, see it and feel it. Then also review the challenges you face as a trader, I'm sure you can think of dozens of them!

5. THINK HOW CAN YOU MAKE ONE A+ TRADE AT A TIME - Work on your entry process and criteria, know what the BEST TRADES look like, write it up! So when they show up you can execute with a larger size and maybe bank a much bigger profit than normally.

6. TALK TO EXPERIENCED TRADERS – It is very helpful to get ideas and see what these traders are doing, there is always something for you to learn, even when you become a millionaire trader, you'll still have so much to learn!

7. HOW CAN YOU IMPROVE THE RETETION OF PROFITS – If you are up on the day, set a tighter stop loss to keep your profits, that could always be a solid idea right? There are many ways to retain profits, such as lowering your size after a strong winning streak in a day... but its also your job to think about how you could do this better!

8. WORK ON YOUR PREPARATION – Preparation is Key for success! If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail! We prepare for a solid hour before we start to trade, there is value in this... so this weekend create your "preparation process" and put it to work!

Ok we are done! Thanks for reading, but before we let you go we have a small request! If you come up with any good ideas that work for you, or have them already, please share them with us we'd love to learn from you too!

Merry Christmas and all the best!

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