
US Pushing Previous High/Safety Point Whilst Inner World Crumble

TVC:SPX   标准普尔500指数
US markets recovering from Q1 downfall. Markets must have attached themselves to the Falcon 9 and being dragged up to the International Space Station it seems considering what’s transpiring below it… (numbers V reality) Both markets flowing up the inner upward channel. The below remains the same but obviously with each positive day the market assumes a point of being stronger to tell a certain narrative. But we all know the saying ‘The bigger they are, the harder they fall’

VERY BEARISH if the following transpires before breaking the above safety points:

S&P: If P action closes below the orange line at 2723.3 attention will turn more bearish and watch for market to fall to 2460.2. In this instance will reassess market dynamics as it may bounce in this range or continue to fall

Dow: The same flows for Dow Jones with P action closes below the orange line at 22931.5 attention will turn more bearish and watch for market to fall to 20842.4. In this instance will reassess market dynamics as it may bounce in this range or continue to fall.

If a rise to Safety Zone seems the world is running ‘normal economics’ again.

