
3 months after, here we are ....

I couldn't resist noting the last 2 candles were the sames as the ones of Feb...

What's funny though is that tomorrow is the options's expiration date. Is is was in Feb when the market started collapsing.

I am not an expert in options but:
1)"An option will have no value if the underlying security is below the strike price (in the case of a call option) at expiration. In this case, the option expires worthless and ceases to exist. When an option is in-the-money and expiration is approaching, you can make one of several different moves. For marketable options, the in-the-money value will be reflected in the option's market price. You can either sell the option to lock in the value or exercise the option to buy the shares."
2) Read this :zerohedge.com/markets/turbulence-ahead-2-trillion-june-op-ex-massive-76-billion-pension-selling-deck?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+zerohedge/feed+(zero+hedge+-+on+a+long+enough+timeline,+the+survival+rate+for+everyone+drops+to+zero)
3) Here are the strike prices :

We can't say if it will be more bearish or bullish but there are chances it moves the market dramatically
Hidden bull & hidden bear on the daily...
Seems that Robinhooders are ready to start selling :
trends.google.com/trends/explore?geo=US&q=when to sell stock,when to buy stock

or even short selling... hailing the bandwagon
trends.google.com/trends/explore?cat=7&geo=US&q=short sell
