Mark Minervini's gains relative to S&P500 during 2021competition

I came across some data which enabled me to construct a chart showing Mark Minervini's monthly gains in his spectacularly successful 2021 trading competition win. I also measured the equivalent monthly gains of the S&P500. My aim was to study how he performed relative to the monthly Index movement so that I could, perhaps, understand his methodology. I have to say that it didn't live up to my expectations as it was hard to see the relationship in some months. I wondered if there was an overall competition winning strategy behind the performance of some of the later months.

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Mark Minervini- 2021 USA Trading Competition Winner-

~340% in one year! No holding strategy even comes close, to my knowledge.
(Mark also won the 1997 competition!)

Daily Candlestick Chart shows Mark's monthly, published and verified, performance against the S&P500's. It's educational to study the correlation between Mark's monthly returns against chart price movements.

Perhaps some risk strategy was employed during the last few months in order to preserve the already spectacular percentage achieved half way through the competition year!

Slow Dough @Whole_wit Fri 23rdJan 2023

Jack Corsellis also has helpful looks into specific buys and sells with the actual charts of various transactions of the 1997 competition, that Mark Minervini also won.

I obtained the monthly competition results data from Linus Lim's video at around 1:08 from start.
Beyond Technical AnalysisChart PatternscompetitionmarkminvervinistrategyTechnical AnalysistechniquetradingTrend Analysis
