SPX's P/E Probability game Average crash 42 % Median crash 37 %

All Major crashes since 1902:
Year % Crash P/E@ Beg. P/E@ End Days lasted
2020 35 % 26 19 28
2007 57% 21 120 490
2000 50% 27 29!!! 763
1987 36% 21 13.7 28
1980 28% 9 9 609
1973 49% 18 7 609
1968 37% 18 13 483
1961 29% 22 16 147
1937 57% 16 8 1855
1929 84% 18 9 973
1916 37% 7 !!! 14! 1708
1909 28% 13.65 14.54 1764
1906 37% 13 9 637
1902 29 14 11 364

Extra Info:
All reading Above 21 P/E
April, 19 - Presents
March, 15 - October, 18 crash
November, 07 November , 09 crash
June , 97 January , 04 bull
August, 91 November, 93 bull
July 87 July 87 crash
March, 61 November 61 crash
April 46 July 46 crash
May 33 March 34 correction
October 21 December 21 bull
statistic wise, 66.33 we will crash/correct
33.33 bull market (Excluding present time)

***Only 2 times in history we got reading
as high as now.

1/ Current reading is 37 P/E
2/ similar reading
A. October , 2008- December 2009 End of a crash
B. October 2001 - May 2002 last 1/3 of a crash

Probability game is :
Average crash 42 %
Median crash 37 %

Median crash is 37 %, Brace your self for it if this plays out.
We are getting really high here, what's up "Market Maker" what are you doing ?

wish you the best.
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****** Past performance is no guarantee of future results***

