
is it time??? even a broken clock is right twice a day.....maybe

Important count of days: Significant changes in trend may take place on the following days from the significant highs/ lows – 30, 45, 60, 90, 135, 150, 180, 210, 225, 315, 330 and 360.

Important count of weeks: 13, 26, 39, 45, 52, 78. 7 week period is considered as death zone. Important count of months – 6, 12, 144.

here are a couple things i want to point out.

first is the trend line that topped today.

second is that we are exactly 180 days from feb top, a major turning date for GANN.

third is the bradley model which can be found here bradleysiderograph.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Donald-Bradley-Siderograph-2020.png

fourth: fomc minutes released today show that they are slowing down on printing money. wont do yield curve control. the printer doesnt go on forever

fifth: congress went on summer break before finishing stimulus deal. they created a lock down, caused 30 million to go unemployed and still have the nerve to go on vacation without getting the job done. remember this comes nov. trump's executive order for the extra 400 is probably the only thing that is keeping millions from not losing everything. regardless of what you think of the man, many are relying on his executive order to survive.

its soooo hard to be bearish after such a monster rally and being wrong so often so take the information for whats its worth....

