Eron was unable to impregnate Twitter, he's 9/10 presently within the confines
of his very own, unique Preg-O-Verse.
He's pulled out successfully, although there's Eron DNA everywhere, he's full
of endless jizz, unsurprisingly it's time to clean up the mess.
" made a bad deal, time to move on... "
Banging Flight attendants and subordinates eventually adds up, and takes its toll.
Twitter decides to lay off 33% of its "Staff"... err Brownshirts on Eron's sexual prowess
at successfully using the withdrawal method for the first time.
Fanbois cheer and request an Amber hookup. The sheets at Tesla have been winched
in as Seagulls crapped all over them.
Much like Eron, Seagulls are good at one and only one thing...
Phishing... no not fisting. FISHING.
Fly in, stir some stuff up, eat some cult fish, crap all over everything and Fly away.
On to Tesrah, the Junk Co propped up by anything and everything Govie for a Decade.
Risk on for the ever-expanding family of seminal of Eron.
Piga NUMI cranking out more substandard skateboards while Tesla can't seem to pay
rent on their extensive plug-in impregnators powered by Diesel Fuel.
Charging Station leasee's are becoming increasingly vocal while shutting off access to
the SuperCharging Networks across the United States. Better get a Power Wall and
plan to charge at home, no long-distance will possible in the Future until this mess
collapses and receives further Stimmy.
Eron decided to vent on Disney's Insta... oops.
Sorry kids.
Hopefully, this Junk moves higher, we are buyers of Puts down to $25 into 2024.
Q2 will be another horror show.
More Fraud.
More Lies.
More Deceit.
Far Lower prices.