
US10Y/US02Y Spread Around Historically Lows

US10Y / US02Y Spread Around Historically Lows

I have presented the analysis of the US10Y/US02Y spread as clearly as I can - and I hope that the chart is self-explanatory!
I, too, now assume that there will be a recession in the USA - at least two neagtive gdp annual grwoth rates. In a stagflation we are since july 2021 yet (higher monthly inflation rate as the quarterly gdp annual growth rate while the same time frame). But let us better listen and/or watch up what other old wise wallstreet veterans have to say - in the following short videos. I'm not quite as pessimistic as the gentlemen - but I completely agree with their tendency...

By the way:
The historically low was while the last moth before, in august 2022, by 0.846%.
And we closed the US10Y / US02Y Spread price action on last friday with 0.940%.

May the price action is with you :

Use this technical analysis and/or technical indicators as a learning aid
- not as a recommendation for action (buy/sell or not to trade).

