
Eco/monetary news n°27: The FUD is more than just FUD

> After 3 months of election fraud suspicions/allegations Myanmar military arrested the state leader & president

2021 off to a good start. Unsurprisingly it has begun.
After winning the general elections with 80% of the votes (not counting the fixed 25% the military get) the heads of the ruling party, state leader and president were removed by the military which claims the evidence of fraud got too big to ignore.
A general is now state leader, and the VP is now president, for 1 year until new elections happen.

Of course, all the usual 🤡 have blindly jumped to their press rooms and their keyboards to "condemn the coup" and we have not heard the side of the burmese military.
It's bad when the unelected military have political power, but it's great when social networks and the media have UNLIMITED POOOOOWEEEER!
Joe Biden has done what you'd expect, threats of sanctions, but China might have its own word to say, especially now that east asia (1/3 of the world) are in the process of switching to their own economic area, something that is huge but has gone under the radar of the western media (with their own digital currency which was never going to be Bitcoin lmao at those that thought otherwise).

This obviously adds to the paranoia of the western ruling class which is being threatened in Europe, and poo'ed their pants in the US when the capitol was stormed. A contested election that ends up in arrests? An estimated 80% of the US military supports Trump? They are getting nervous.

> Defund the police: US White House panicking and more resolved than ever to turn the US into a police state 😆

Part of the reasons the WH is panicking is what I wrote in the previous point: populism, elections contest, a very real CH raid (irrational people become fully aware of something when it happens, when they physically see it happen they really start caring), and now a very real coup in Myanmar.

Antifa & BLM have been rioting, they ignored it to win an election but they know it and they want to fight it. They also are afraid of civilian Trump supporters.

So yeah, they are really turning the country in a police state. I crack up each time I see a braindead tv guy say that "Now that Trump is gone we are returning to normal" with shinny eyes and a big smile on his face. "Back to normal", where did I hear that before? Boy this is just the start.
Textbook complacency and denial.

> Top epidemiologists publish covid papers that make EU bureaucrats look stupid & France far-right would win 😏

The EU, and the EU representatives are being shaken. The french president, which is the least smart one since at least 1950 (I don't know the previous ones), is started to rage and panic, he called the France "a country of 66 million prosecutors" and whined that it was normal to make mistakes "we all make them every single day". Really? Every day? How bad are you? Calamity Joe.

Even the mainstream parties and media are starting to ask questions, here is an article about the Swedish health agency asking clarity on what it is paying for:
Here is a paper by Ioannidis, the world nb 1 epidemiologist (203 h-index), showing that lockdowns were very likely to be useless (and even favor the spread of the virus), as I predicted 9 months ago I may add:

He recently wrote "Congratulations on your editorial highlighting the depressing levels of “corruption” taking place in the name of “beating the pandemic”. Scrutiny certainly deserves to be directed towards conflicts of interest within members of SAGE and scientific/medical advisors..."
Link to the full thing:

Things are looking grim for the liberal bourgeois globalist "elite". Times are changing.
Ah back in 2002 the France major far right party got to the presidential 2nd turn and average people voted in mass to "be a barrier to radical extremism", in 2017 they were in the 2nd turn again and got 33% votes, and now a poll showed they had 50% vote intentions. People showing their discontent, I'm not sure they read the program of the Rassemblement National, cutting a hand for stealing an apple man this is harsh, ok I exaggerate but barely. And even with 1/5 of the votes they only get a handful of parliamentary seats, so I guess the first female president could only rule as a dictator?

What an opposition, during a recent liberty-restriction vote in France here was the opposition (there are 577 deputies):
Les républicains (centre-right in Europe, left of US democrats): 15/105
Socialistes (they need no introduction): 5/29
La France insoumise (radical left "rebels"): 5/17 - Where did they go? They talk a lot, and then? They had swimming pool? (French people will understand)
Rassemblement National (far right): 0/6 - They are loving it, they would take harsher measures if they could, and the french would vote for this "opposition" 🤦‍♂️

In France the whole executive branch of the government is elected by the president, so this vote is important, the president is the head of state and face of the country, the Prime Minister is I guess the most powerful politician, technically he is 2nd after the president since the president can sack him and change him but he's the one that runs the country, an unelected guy that kissed enough bums to get nominated, and has no plan (seriously, past PMs got interviewed years later and they went "no idea how I ended up here, I had no plan no idea what to do I just followed").

I know this is a little long, but hey during the "covid emergency" the executive in France and Europe has completely bypassed the legislators (congress), soooo... If the far right gets nominated, even without any legislative power... If 60k deaths is enough for an emergency, they'll find something.
I want to congratulate all the high IQ liberals that set a precedent to enable the next Hitlers to become dictators without even trying.
Great job. I'm actually genuinely impressed.

> Davos New World Order chat: Putin & Xi Jinping warn elites will lead to war that will "end our civilization" 💥

The chat with the "common folk" has been postponed to June, but the usual head of states / governments chats have taken place.

Just going to link the articles.

1- The Putin article "The crackdown on civil liberties by the elites will lead to a terrible war", with a link to a video of him speaking via CNBC:

2- Winnie the Pooh sperging something about a cold war:


3- They spoke of global taxation of tech giants at Davos, and Germany says they spoke to Yellen which seems to agree! About time the US paid its fair share to Europe.
Damn I am shaking while I am writing this. They have been scamming the world for too long. I do not support "eat the rich" UNLESS it's tech giants. F*** them. YEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

> BIS says banks representing 1/5 of the world population will release a Digital Currency in the next 3 years

You know Bitcoin maximalist logic:
=> Since this is happening, it means digital currencies are getting adopted. This is good for Bitcoin.
=> If they would not be doing this, Bitcoin has a monopoly on the DC market. This is good for Bitcoin.

Also, "A recent survey indicates that 86% of central banks are conducting research or development in the area of CBDC".

The most recent speech they uploaded:

A little quote for fun: "Above all, investors must be cognisant that Bitcoin may well break down altogether.
Bitcoin needs a hugely energy-intensive protocol, called “proof of work”, to safely process transactions. Currently, so-called miners sustain the system’s security, and are rewarded with newly minted coins. A sad side effect is that the system uses more electricity than all of Switzerland. In the future, as Bitcoin approaches its maximum supply of 21 million
coins, the “seigniorage” to miners will decline. As a result, wait times will increase..."

> IMF warns of risks (zzz): IMF finds new words: warns of ‘exceptional uncertainty’ in vaccine-driven recovery 😁

The IMF raises their GDP growth predictions and will increase them even more if the US approves of a 2 trillion relief package, wow this sounds like great news! Why don't we print infinite money? Infinite growth! "GDP is up 8000% this year after we printed 10000% of our MZM and spent it randomly on troll projects" wow so much progress! 🧠

Oh and they "warn of risks", that's not even funny anymore.

Maybe the US economy grows by 20%, and my short position on the USD also grows by 20%?

