The decade of volatility begins

Over the last two years, this is the trend I have noticed. Everytime people think something begins, it ends (ie. BLM abrupt end, HK protests abrupt end, covid waves as soon as lockdowns reach peak, freedom protests as soon as peak energy is reached, vaccine issues as soon as some "aha" moment appears). Everytime people think something ends, it begins (ie.Ukraine war, new covid waves, new vaccine issues, new lockdowns just in time for vacation) .

Today, everyone seems to think either the market will crash in one fell swoop or resume rocketing up. So, probably the only thing that is going to rise sustainbly is change itself, and therefore volatility. A decade of insanely violet market swings, kind of like we are seeing these past two weeks. Wouldn't that be somethin'?
The first volatility wave should indeed be a "crash" as this generation of gambling bulls get punched in the face with the reality of rate hikes and implications on absurd speculative debt, mortages, loans and derivatives. Of course it will probably be a crash laced with spikes like a porcupines back as this insane generation of bullish gamblers hold the motto "BTFD and hold forever", then you can never lose. They don't realize at all that stock ownership is in essence just a piece of paper in the end, probably worthless in many cases.
Looks like we need yet another round of spring loading this. Oh well.
LOL. What a fake out from yesterday's rally. Let's see if the magic reverses again in the other direction or if this is finally the end to the delusion.
Here we go folks! Ready for the ride on the back of this beast?
Black Friday today???
Is today finally the big day?
Beyond Technical Analysis
