The world gold price sometimes reached 2,740 USD/ounce but then suddenly reversed and dropped sharply. At 6 a.m. on October 22, today's gold price dropped to 2,720 USD/ounce.
According to analysts, the international gold market fluctuated wildly in the context of many investors selling to gain profits. Gold price today, after many days of hot increases, was forced to go down.
Meanwhile, US bond interest rates increased to 4.1% - the highest level in the past 3 months. That means bond values decline, motivating investors to sell gold and shift capital into bonds. Gold price today naturally decreased.
Gold, which is considered a hedge against political and economic instability, has increased more than 31% since the beginning of 2024 until now. Gold prices also broke many records when the US's move to cut interest rates combined with the need for safe haven capital created a storm in the market.