Gold is long near 2490. In the 4-hour period, there is a pressure level of 2530 on the top and a first-line support of 2492 on the bottom (it cannot fall after being touched multiple times). It is not a unilateral trend at present, so it still takes a long time to fall back. The middle track of the Bollinger Bands runs horizontally, and the price of gold is...
2024/8/19周一 黄金,目前突破2475,回调寻机多,先看2547,再看2619; 操作建议:回调2480-2475区域做多,顺势只多不空,稳健者等右侧交易机会。我会盘中提示 黄金现报:2,496美元 短线方向多,中长线方向多。 上方目标2547-2619; 更多具体详情欢迎关注我实时更新...
The market continued to be in a unilateral decline mode this week. Today gold once again came to the 1928 first-line position. I personally think that the initial jobless claims data later will be even more bearish. So today is the best time to sell gold. Follow my trading signals. Make money like crazy. Start now
If the position of 1958 is broken, it will continue to rise. If the entity cannot break through and stabilize, it will fall. New channel created. The last time I made a lot of money by buying, many members made a lot of money because of it. Then continue to watch the rebound this time. If you don't know how to follow, you can join my channel and contact me....
There are no continuously falling markets. There is no such thing as a consistently rising market. So how to grasp accurate trading signals. Follow me. At present, gold has come to the 1940 line. The short-term support below is at the 1937 line. Very narrow. So why did it suddenly drop yesterday. It still has a lot to do with the dollar. So how will the market...
If you just followed my trading signal, short gold. That's a huge profit. In the short term, you can continue to rebound. The current market remains within the normal range. More accurate trading signals will be announced in my private channel.
Gold 1965-1968 buy. Take Profit 1983. Stop Loss 1954. Those who follow the trading signal have already made a lot of money。 If you don't know how to do it, contact me in the channel below.
The market is currently struggling with two stocks of news. The long and short sides are in a fierce game. Mainly based on bulls' risk aversion. Bullish on gold. The bears are using the Fed's rate hike as a medium. Bearish on the market. The current price of gold is around 1960. The short-term remained at the 1966-1954 first-line shock. Although there is no...
为最坏的情况做准备: 在美国债务违约之前的交易 "财政部长珍妮特-耶伦(Janet Yellen)在给国会的信中说:"我们不可能确切地预测财政部无法支付政府账单的确切日期。 虽然美国违约的可能性很小,但这并不意味着交易商不会制定应对违约的计划,也不会感到不安。两个可能要应对这些投资者的举动的市场将是外汇和黄金。 如果关于史无前例的潜在美国债务违约的不确定性持续存在,美元将失去一些避风港的地位,这可能会转移到黄金。 美国总统拜登计划在5月9日与众议院民主党领袖Hakeem Jeffries、参议院多数党领袖Chuck Schumer和共和党领袖Mitch McConnell会面。这将是一个观察美元和黄金的关键日期,以防这群人达成某种协议来提高债务上限。...
如果美联储暂停加息的黄金目标 充分利用美元价格和国债收益率重新走低的机会,黄金成功地飙升至2,020美元/盎司。 美国最近的数据显示,服务业增长放缓,3月份私营企业新增就业人数少于预期,工厂订单连续第二个月下降。这表明,在更高的利率下,经济可能正在降温。因此,市场预计美联储将在下个月保持基金利率稳定,这与澳大利亚储备银行本月决定暂停加息的路径相似。投资者最近将美联储在5月2-3日会议后选择暂停加息的押注提高到约60%,高于前一天的43%左右。 黄金对利率前景特别敏感,因为较低的利率会降低持有无收益黄金的机会成本。 如果美联储确实决定在5月暂停加息,我们可能会预期黄金价格会如何反应?...
2023-3-31 如果勤劳能致富,那现在的世界首富就应该是一头牛或驴!!! 关联品种: OANDA:XAUUSD 目前黄金正处在高位的三角收敛区间,从盘面上来看,K线似乎正在形成极具收窄的第四浪形态,通常而言,这必将成为多空双方展开激烈厮杀的绝地阵地,而我相信鹿死谁手即将见分晓。 如果你问我这次是站在哪一方?我会毫不犹豫地告诉你,站在 空头 这边,不要问我为什么,时间会告诉你答案! 想要抄顶的朋友,不妨耐心等待第四浪顶的到来,因为这是计划! 进场点位: 1990±3 止损: 统一放2015 止盈: 第一目标1938 第二目标1915 第三目标1890 市场瞬息万变,我们能做的就是制定交易计划,并按计划执行,所以请计划你的交易,交易你的计划! 战场无常胜将军,智者千虑,必有一失。 【策略和思路为个人观点...
黄金还有希望达到2000美元吗? 黄金价格创下了1971美元/盎司的高点,然后回撤并在1960美元上方找到支撑。涨势喜人的股市和较高的国债收益率使XAU/USD难以继续其近期的涨势。对更广泛的银行业蔓延的担忧也有所减弱,损害了对更安全资产的需求。市场对第一公民银行同意购买破产的硅谷银行的所有存款和贷款感到高兴。美联储负责监管的副主席迈克尔-巴尔(Michael Barr)表示,SVB的麻烦是由于 "糟糕的 "风险管理,这可能是一个孤立的案例。 ...
Fundamentals of Gold: In early Asian trading on Monday, March 13th, spot gold maintained its strong upward trend, with the price hovering around $1881 per ounce, up nearly $15 on the day. Earlier, the price of gold had risen more than $20, as the Fed's "rescue" action sparked an increase in market risk appetite, which dealt a major blow to the dollar and...
黄金会在美元指数回调期间有波反弹,反弹的高点第一目标1894,第二目标1916左右。 还有种情形,就是黄金日线级别做个二次回测,然后在反弹,反弹到阻力位,就是我们 做空的好时机。
黄金昨日在高位震荡。全日开市在1840,早段亚/欧盘基本在1835-40之间上落,进入美盘开始冲高,升至全日高位1847,随後回落。收市在1839,冇升跌。 昨日走势整体合付预期,在美盘再试高位,但明显在高位已缺乏动力。在週未前预期较难往上突破,日内将有机会下试1828-30,个整体将会继续在1830-50(1)区间内震荡。 日线图 - 黄金整体仍在上升趋势(3)当中,但昨日的先升後回落(2),在日线图已出现短线见顶讯号,预期日内或会出现调整。 短线阻力: 1855 1850 1843 现价: 1841 短线支持: 1835 1830-28 1825 若喜欢我们的分析请给我们团队点赞 谢谢! 欢迎留言交流。 P. To
11月23日发布的两个做多点位 目前第一个已经完美止盈 第二个位置也有效入场盈利 今天非农看看会不会刷出新低 如果下去了 那么在 , 这两个位置继续找机会入场做多 今晚拭目以待
日线级别,黄金进行三角收敛,已经三连阳。触碰关键阻力位1910。 一般来说可以考虑在这个点逢高空。但是向下空间不大,除非向下崩盘。 鉴于今日美国大选出结果,非常时期。还是建议在小周期比如说1小时级别逢低多为主。市场机会很多,轻仓操作.