
Gold Absolutley destroyed

Hello everybody, this is just a basic set up of market structure and fib chart set up along with trend lines and trading patterns, this chart has been active for about 4 months now, not much to add into detail into this chart, as you can see on bottom right corner buy fibo, buy set up was successful around the 1620 area, 1628 was TP1 from the sell fibo, now we have been on a retest back to the 1700s, as you can see -0.27 extension hits trend line to reject for further down side, you can see -0.618 extension is at the 1755 area, which is also pointing towards my 38.2 extension 1755 area for sell fibo set up, all trades i take are swing trades with TP areas hitting reversal areas, ive been trading for about 2 years now and i love the outcome and growth ive gained over the course of trading, i hope this chart helps give you an idea and insight of what the trend is for GOLD, like i said ive been following this sell fibo for months. Last note on this, we may get a wick towards 1755 area on a weekly graph if there is enough buy pressure and if 1700 holds along with 1690 and a close above 1720.

