Have to Admit that I am early on this Ship.
My lowest Buy is 1311 so the absolute DD is/was 33$ with the given H 1344.
Today when Gold came back up after filling the gap, I was monitoring 1333 and praying it is not broken back upwards but did not happen.
At 1334 I had to hedge so I can survive this.
At the moment I will go aside a little bit, and wait for a confirmation.
1346 is a new bullish phase entry.
I have set a BE on my 1334 Buy so that if the reversal Comes I get the buy closed and I can slowly get back to the surface.
So at the moment being hedged, I won't do a lot, but if there will be some breakout type signs I will again take action.
I guess sometimes you just have to be wrong, otherwise, you would own it.
I will update if I get something.