
Bitcoin - Trends

Check if you can climb above 200MA and 9080.
You should also check if you will maintain prices after the rise.
If not, price adjustments will come.

Check if you can get support in the middle section of 8487.0 ~ 8625.0.
If you get support in this zone, you will move up to 9080.

If it falls in the middle, it must be supported at 300MA.

I think the price adjustment will come out wherever it moves.

In addition, the price of BTC is rising while dominance is falling.
That shows that more money is being concentrated in Altcoin.
If this can continue, it is the beginning of the alt uptrend.

If BTC's price adjustments come out, this will be a good time to buy.

Once the 10300 point is reached, the bull market is expected to begin.

[Example of exchange chart setup]


