
How To Achieve Your Personal Success - Vision

Hi Traders. This workshop is something untypical, not really trading-related but more on life story in general. In this sharing, I'll be discussing why starting from zero is always the toughest.

Trading, investing, and entrepreneurship in general tend to beat you up in the beginning when you first started. Everyone's fueled with passion and motivation in the beginning, most people give up in between. Ultimately, those who can withstand challenges and defeats will stand up firm and stronger. People who will succeed in life are those who are determined, persevere, and with ever-growing passion.

For whatever challenges you're facing right now, remind yourself that it will not last forever. A bright shiny day comes after the rain, keep paddling.

"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time."

Comment down below what's your goals, and challenges you're currently facing. Share with anyone who need to watch this.

