XRP - Possible scenarios for investors and punters alike

You guys drive me NUTS with Ripple. I hope that's not all you guys trade...

I also trade it guys but with a certain % of my funds- and it has been going REALLY WELL for me so far so I want to keep it that way.

Take a look at other ideas too, Copper is a fresh new trade to get on for example. Don't go 'Ripple-nuts', go 'Ripple Carefully' please.

Anyways, you keep asking for it so here we go: 4 SUPPORT LEVELS and the % we calculated (don't ask how, our system took me 11 years to develop and is for sale for 1,000,000$), for each and every scenario.

This time we will take a 'Wild Guess' and dare to make an Out of the Box 'How the Market Will try and Fool Us' prediction of exactly what we think will happen, exclusively for our clients at fxprofessor.

ps. Once and IF the price breaks the 0.79 mark then it's off to 1.41
