
Dont short

For years now , the press has been playing both sides of a war they created in what should simply be an endeavour towards financial freedom.
Remember who controls the press, and the interest behind it.
Just 4 days ago Bitcoin was "dead," to quote a teenager who was actually quoted and put into print by the likes of C.C.N.
Don't panic.
The market isn't dead.
It will fall at times , but if you are in , you have seen close enough to the bottom where you do not need to sell now.
2019 looks to be a fantastic year.
Remember the difference between long term and short term capital gains.
As for institutional investment, aren't we trying to do better on our own anyway?? Of COURSE TODAY stories were released by Nulltx and others saying banks are shying away from Bitcoin. Let them.
It wont be long before they need another bail out.
Two things are nearly certain , America's wars have plunged this Country into a debt that may not be payable. Money will be printed , again. And once again we will see the downside of financial 'fractional reserve policy."
The one honest thing reported today is that they are scared!! "Blockchain threatens global financial security!!"
Who's security??
The mega wealthy?? The people who are counting on digital to fail??
Fortune favors the brave - Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat
And do your research - Caveat emptor.
I am not a financial advisor. That said, do you want to be the guy who sold at 100 instead of 1000? 10,000?
Didn't think so. It may be early to call a rally but the signs are there. It is up to us to follow them.
As for J.P. Morgan , we are better off WITHOUT THEM.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
If you wake up and see red , nothing should tell you more than this last month that it will bounce back.
Don't buy in to "the need for centralized, bank controlled ," digital fractional reserve b.s. that isn't even backed by paper.
