
Transition point to short-term uptrend: 0.1839

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(ZRXUSDT chart)
During day trading, if support is found at important support and resistance points or sections, it often turns into a sharp uptrend.

In that sense, if you look at ZRX's chart,

The volume profile section of the 1M chart is 0.2004.

Therefore, the key is whether it can rise above 0.204.

Therefore, no matter which chart, that is, the 1W chart and 1D chart, the support and resistance points are formed, the most important thing is whether it can eventually break above 0.204.

(1W chart)
The key is whether it can receive support around 0.1649, the volume profile section of the 1W chart, and rise above 0.2274.

(1D chart)
To summarize the movements of the 1M, 1W, and 1D charts,
- It appears ready to transition to a short-term uptrend as it rises above 0.1721, the HA-Low indicator point on the 1D chart.

- Accordingly, if the price rises above 0.1839 and is maintained, it is expected to lead to a movement to rise to the volume profile range of 0.204-0.2274.

- If it rises above 0.204-0.2274, it is expected to lead to an attempt to break upward through the 0.2488-0.2785 range, and if it succeeds, it is expected to form a new wave.

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** All explanations are for reference only and do not guarantee profit or loss in investment.

** Trading volume is displayed as a candle body based on 10EMA.
How to display (in order from darkest to darkest)
More than 3 times the trading volume of 10EMA > 2.5 times > 2.0 times > 1.25 times > Trading volume below 10EMA

** Even if you know other people’s know-how, it takes a considerable amount of time to make it your own.

** This chart was created using my know-how.


[Example of exchange chart setup]


