DXY COT Commercial Net Positions

This script was created due to the lack of position of US Dollar Index Futures (DXY).
It is designed to perform a much more liquid and inclusive position analysis.

As the exponential ratios do not mean anything to positions, weights are used as multipliers instead of exponential functions.
Swedish Krona (SEK) Futures are not directly quoted in Quandl, therefore weighted in Euro / dollar parity.
By perceiving these positions as inverse correlations, you can also identify where the world economy is doing well.
COT Commercial Net Positions are calculated as (Short - Long) because of Commercials act according to the reverse of the market.
In this way, you can follow up normally instead of reverse correlation.
Because except in extreme cases, in which case capitals usually shift to Gold.
This is not the case, since there is no capital inflow to other currencies, it is not a strong sell position to the dollar index.
When there is a shift in bonds, we see the effect of the dollar in general.

I created for the Dollar Index in order not to deviate from the concept.
I wanted to share it with everyone as I thought that you have important clues about how investors take positions.
Modified currency weights :

Euro : % 61.8
Japanese Yen : % 13.6
British Pound : %11.9
Canadian Dollar : % 9.1
Swiss Franc : % 3.6

NOTE : You can use it for all instruments except crypto coins, especially US Dollar Index (DXY).
Since the COT data is taken, it will not repaint in 1 week (1W) timeframe.
The log can also be repaint according to the time of data publication.
It will repaint in lower time frames.

I hope it will help your analysis and your scripts,regards.
cftccommercialCommitment of Traders (COT)COTdollarDXYglobaleconomyindexpositionsTrend Analysis


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