
SMU Price Volume Noise V1

stockmarketupdate 已更新   
This Script show the price volume movement for different time frame. As you can see large buy/sell has significantly increased before the crash or 2018 and similar pattern is developing for 2019/2020. In shorter time frame, the chart shows daily movement of big volume of Buy/Sell and the low volume period appears as a noise. The idea is to look ta the volume price noise to distinguish big market moves from small side line or low volume movement. Fell free to expand on this idea.
Updated the script to allow user set the low volume noise to ignore small movement in the price. Note, the plot rise on sell and fall on buy to emphasise on down side movements. This is a simple script but powerful because it only shows bug volume market movement and if you compact the chart you can easily identify the big players move. The noise setting for previous years where SP price was lower is not as magnified and need adjustment to normalise all prices. I'm working on it. Feel free to share your thoughts.
Added auto daily and minute volume size filter to the script and ability to smith the lines
Minor updates to clean up the code


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