Script is tracking price gaps on stock or idexes that are not continuosly traded. Usually, such gaps are filled fairly quickly. This script shows how often the gaps are filled on the same trading day and in the longer term. You also can set alarms to be notified about: - New gap that appeared. - Filling of a gap.
Script settings:
PRICE GAP SCANNER Intraday gaps - For intervals shorter than a day we can incluse od exclude gaps on bars during traiding day. Limit gaps - Gaps visualization will be making gaps smaller each time they will be filled parcially. Hide filled gaps - Hiding filled gaps Active - Background color for Active gap visualization Filled - Background color for Filled gap visualization
ALERTS - ANY ALERT() FUNCTION CALL Open gap: - Sending alert when new gap appers. - $ - Sending in message cash value of the gap - % - Sending in message percent value of the gap Close gap - Sending alert when gap was filled.
STATS Table - Type of table with statistics shown on the screen:
H(idden) - Do not show any statistics
B(ase) - Basic statistics about filling gaps
A(ctive) - List of not filled gaps
F(illed) - List of filled gaps
Offset - Starting index for Active/Filled list Count - Number of shown rows for Active/Filled list.