


*stripped out a couple of things from V1 - found it was to noisy
*added Baseline_VX1
*switch period channels around
Optional- set centre band to '34 to run centre line

other indicators to include
MACD_VX1 Stoch_VX3


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study(title="VDUB_BINARY_PRO_3_V2", shorttitle="VDUB_BINARY_PRO_3_V2", overlay=true)
source = close
length = input(56, minval=1, title = "WMA Length")
atrlen = input(100, minval=1, title = "ATR Length")
mult1 = 2
mult2 = 3
ma = wma(source, length)
range =  tr
rangema = wma(range, atrlen)

up1 = ma + rangema * mult1
up2 = ma + rangema * mult2

dn1 = ma - rangema * mult1
dn2 = ma - rangema * mult2

color1 = white
color2 = white

u4 = plot(up1, color = color1)
u8 = plot(up2, color = color2)

d4 = plot(dn1, color = color1)
d8 = plot(dn2, color = color2)

fill(u8, u4, color=#30628E, transp=80)
fill(d8, d4, color=#30628E, transp=80)
fill(d4, u4, color=#128E89, transp=80)

//Linear regression band
src = close
nlookback = input (defval = 20, minval = 1, title = "Number of Lookback")
scale = input(defval=1,  title="scale of ATR")
nATR = input(defval = 14, title="ATR Parameter")

//Center band
periods=input(21, minval=1, title="MA Period")
pc = input(true, title="MA BAND")

hld = iff(close > sma(high,periods)[1], 1, iff(close<sma(low,periods)[1],-1, 0))
hlv = valuewhen(hld != 0, hld, 1)

hi = pc and hlv == -1 ? sma(high, periods) : na
lo = pc and hlv == 1 ? sma(low,periods) : na
plot(avg(sma(high,periods)+2.5*(sma(high,periods)-sma(low,periods)),sma(low,periods)-2.5*(sma(high,periods)-sma(low,periods))), color=red, style=line,linewidth=4)
plot(pc and sma(high, periods) ? sma(high, periods):na ,title="Swing High Plot", color=black,style=line, linewidth=1)
plot(pc and sma(low,periods) ? sma(low,periods) : na ,title="Swing Low Plot", color=black,style=line, linewidth=1)
// Base line_VX1
source2 = close
short = sma(close, 3)
long = sma(close, 13)
plot(short, color=red, linewidth=2)
plot(long, color=navy, linewidth=4)
plot(cross(long, short) ? long : na, style = circles, color=blue, linewidth = 9)
OutputSignal = long >= short ? 1 : 0
bgcolor(OutputSignal>0?red:gray, transp=100)
LRG_Channel_TF_mins_D_W_M = input("30")
Range2 = input(1)

SELL = security(tickerid, LRG_Channel_TF_mins_D_W_M, highest(Range2))
BUY = security(tickerid, LRG_Channel_TF_mins_D_W_M, lowest(Range2))

HI = plot(SELL, color=SELL!=SELL[1]?na:red,linewidth=2 )
LO = plot(BUY, color=BUY!=BUY[1]?na:green,linewidth=2 )
fill(HI, LO, color=#E3CAF1, transp=100)
Hcon = high >= SELL
Lcon = low <= BUY

plotshape(Hcon, style=shape.triangledown, color=maroon, location=location.abovebar)
plotshape(Lcon, style=shape.triangleup, color=green, location=location.belowbar)
range2 = SELL-BUY

SML_Channel_TF_mins_D_W_M = input('240')
M_HIGH = security(tickerid, SML_Channel_TF_mins_D_W_M, high)
M_LOW = security(tickerid, SML_Channel_TF_mins_D_W_M, low)
plot(M_HIGH, color=M_HIGH != M_HIGH[1] ?na:fuchsia, style=line, linewidth=2)
plot(M_LOW, color=M_LOW != M_LOW[1] ?na:fuchsia, style=line, linewidth=2)
Zingzag_length = input(7)
hls = rma(hl2, Zingzag_length)
isRising = hls >= hls[1]

zigzag1 = isRising and not isRising[1] ? lowest(Zingzag_length) :  not isRising and isRising[1] ? highest(Zingzag_length) : na
plot(zigzag1, color=black)

Zigzag2 = input(false)
zigzag = Hcon ? high : Lcon ? low : na
plot(not Zigzag2 ? na : zigzag, color=red, style=line, linewidth=3)
