
MTF MACD 2 By Yuthavithi

If you want a good strategy without repaint. This one might be for you. Excellent profitable for BTCUSD3M for OKCoin.
It uses multiple time frame MACD for trading decision. To avoid repaint, set the delay period = 1 for both long term and midterm.

The idea is that, if long term, mid term and current time frame all agree on traidng direction, the trade will take place.

I also uses it in my automated trading bot with good result.


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strategy("MTF MACD 2", title = "MultiMACD2", overlay=true)

longTermTimeFrame = input(1440, minval=1, title = "Long Term Time Frame")
longTermDelayPeriod = input(0, minval = 0, title = "Long Term Delay Period")
midTermTimeFrame = input(240, minval=1, title = "Mid Term Time Frame")
midTermDelayPeriod = input(1, minval = 0, title = "Mid Term Delay Period")
tradeOnLongTermTrendDirection = input(true, type = bool, title = "Trade On LongTerm Trend Direction")

//shortTermTimeFrame = input(60, minval=1, title="Short Term Time Frame")
tpPercent = input(5, type=float, title = "Take Profit Percent")
slPercent = input(10, type=float, title = "Stop Loss Percent")
useTP = input(false, type=bool, title = "Use Take Profit / Stop Loss")

tp = (close * tpPercent / 100) / syminfo.mintick
sl = (close * slPercent / 100) / syminfo.mintick

fastMA = ema(ohlc4, 12)
slowMA = ema(ohlc4, 26)
macd = fastMA - slowMA
signal = sma(macd, 9)
hist = macd - signal

lMACD = security(tickerid, tostring(longTermTimeFrame), macd)
lSignal = security(tickerid, tostring(longTermTimeFrame), signal)
lHistLine = security(tickerid, tostring(longTermTimeFrame), hist)
lIdx = round(longTermTimeFrame / interval)

mMACD = security(tickerid, tostring(midTermTimeFrame), macd)
mSignal = security(tickerid, tostring(midTermTimeFrame), signal)
mHistLine = security(tickerid, tostring(midTermTimeFrame), hist)
mIdx = round(midTermTimeFrame / interval)

lUp = lHistLine[longTermDelayPeriod * lIdx] > lHistLine[(longTermDelayPeriod + 1) * lIdx]
lDn = lHistLine[longTermDelayPeriod * lIdx] < lHistLine[(longTermDelayPeriod + 1) * lIdx]

mUp = mHistLine[midTermDelayPeriod * mIdx] > mHistLine[(midTermDelayPeriod + 1) * mIdx]
mDn = mHistLine[midTermDelayPeriod * mIdx] < mHistLine[(midTermDelayPeriod + 1) * mIdx]

sUp = hist[midTermDelayPeriod] > hist[midTermDelayPeriod + 1]
sDn = hist[midTermDelayPeriod] < hist[midTermDelayPeriod + 1]

trendUp = lSignal[longTermDelayPeriod * lIdx] > 0
trendDown = lSignal[longTermDelayPeriod * lIdx] < 0

longExit = lDn and mDn and sDn 
shortExit = lUp and mUp and sUp

long = (lUp and mUp and sUp) and (tradeOnLongTermTrendDirection ? trendUp : true)
short = (lDn and mDn and sDn) and (tradeOnLongTermTrendDirection ? trendDown : true)

barcolor(lUp and mUp and sUp ? lime : lUp and mUp and sDn ?  green : lUp and mDn and sDn ? teal : lUp and mDn and sUp ? blue : lDn and mDn and sDn ? red : lDn and mDn and sUp ? orange : lDn and mUp and sUp ? yellow : lDn and mUp and sDn ? maroon : white)

if (long)
    strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long) //comment = tostring(hisline[macdTimeFrame / interval]))
    if (useTP)
        strategy.exit("Exit Long", "Long", profit =  tp, loss = sl)

if (longExit)
if (short)
    strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short)
    if (useTP)
        strategy.exit("Exit Short", "Short", profit =  tp, loss =  sl)

if (shortExit)