
Bitfinex Spot Premium

A tool to display the spot price premium of Bitfinex coins vs the other big 3 exchanges.
Premium is calculated against:
- Coinbase
- Binance
The average is calculated through volume weighting. The absolute difference between the Bitfinex spot price and the calculated average is then displayed on the histogram.

Interacting with the tool
Colours: Green bars indicate a positive premium (Bitfinex spot price is greater than the average), Red bars indicate a negative premium. The ability to grey out smaller premiums is also enabled with the "Grey Small Vals" checkbox, this can be used to further emphasise larger premiums.

Ticker: The ticker input allows you to detect the Bitfinex premium for any coin traded within all 4 exchanges (Bitfinex, Coinbase, Binance, FTX). Just input the coins ticker symbol, for example, "BTC", "ETH", "UNI".

Indicator Ideology
Bitfinex is known for being the home of crypto "smart money". Therefore, positive premiums indicate stronger buying from "smart money". Although this premium is a good sign of bullish/ bearish market conditions, for example, consecutive days of a negative Bitfinex premium have been pretty good at indicating short term tops in BTC, this indicator should only be used as a confirmation signal.

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