
Madrid Upper OHLC

This study displays the candlesticks of the upper timeframe, this provides a glance of the bigger picture in the current time frame by quickly and easily identifying the main OHLC levels.
In this example I am using the indicator twice on the 15 min chart, the first implementation displays the candles of the Daily timeframe and the second displays those of the weekly.


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// Hector R. Madrid :04/DEC/2014 : 16:45 : 1.0
// This study displays the candlesticks of the upper timeframe, this
// provides a view of the bigger picture in the current time frame.
// Ref.  Pine programming tutorial 

study("Madrid Upper OHLC", "MUpperOHLC", overlay=true)

highTimeFrame = input("D", type=resolution)
numBars = highTimeFrame

// Upper HLOC
upperHigh = security(tickerid, highTimeFrame, high)
upperLow = security(tickerid, highTimeFrame, low)
upperOpen = security(tickerid, highTimeFrame, open)
upperClose = security(tickerid, highTimeFrame, close)
newBar(res) => change(time(res)) != 0

// Output
upperH = plot(newBar(numBars)?upperHigh:upperHigh[1], style=circles, linewidth=1, color=orange)
upperL = plot(newBar(numBars)?upperLow:upperLow[1], style=circles, linewidth=1, color=orange)
upperO = plot(newBar(numBars)?upperOpen:upperOpen[1], style=circles, linewidth=1, color=red)
upperC = plot(newBar(numBars)?upperClose:upperClose[1], style=circles, linewidth=1, color=green)

fill(upperH, upperL, orange, transp=90)
fill(upperO,upperC, color=orange, transp=90)