
Days Trader 1.0

Simple program to look for day of week or day of month patterns in chart data.

All original work by Boffin Hollow Lab

Author: Tarzan

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strategy("Days Trader 1.0", "title = Days Trader", overlay=true)

// 2016 Boffin Hollow Lab
// author: Tarzan

//this program allows you to trade on specific days of the week to test for patterns
//monday =1    8 =special purpose

// short = 1 long = 0
// monday is the lightest bar

c = navy

//(dayofmonth == 1 )       ? color(black, 54) :

bgColor = (dayofweek == monday)    ? color(c, 94) :
          (dayofweek == tuesday)   ? color(c, 90) :
          (dayofweek == wednesday) ? color(c, 86) :
          (dayofweek == thursday)  ? color(c, 84) :
          (dayofweek == friday)    ? color(c, 82) : na
bgcolor(color = bgColor)

dom = input(title = "Day of month if nz", defval = 0)
cmday = input(0)
gapp = input(2)
longorshort = input(title = "0 for short 1 for long", defval=0)
openday = input(title ="trade open day of week", defval=1)
//oday = input (float)
closeday = input (title = "trade close day of week", defval=2)

oday = (openday == 3) ? monday : 
       (openday == 4) ? tuesday :
       (openday == 5) ? wednesday : 
       (openday == 1) ? thursday : 
       (openday == 7) ? friday : 
       (openday == 6) ? saturday : 
       (openday == 2) ? sunday : 
       (openday == 8) ? abs(second(time)/10) : na
cday = (closeday == 3) ? monday : 
       (closeday == 4) ? tuesday :
       (closeday == 5) ? wednesday : 
       (closeday == 6) ? thursday : 
       (closeday == 7) ? friday : 
       (closeday == 1) ? saturday : 
       (closeday == 2) ? sunday : 
       (closeday == 8) ? (oday + 1) : na

if (longorshort == 0 and dom == 0)
    strategy.entry("tradez", strategy.long, when = (dayofweek == oday))
if (longorshort == 1 and dom == 0)
    strategy.entry("tradez", strategy.short, when = (dayofweek == oday))
if (longorshort == 2 and dom == 0)
    strategy.entry("tradez", strategy.long, when = (dayofweek[3] == (oday)))  
if (longorshort == 2 and dom == 0)
    strategy.entry("tradez", strategy.short, when = (dayofweek[3] == (oday+gapp)))    
strategy.close_all(when = (dayofweek == cday and dom == 0 ))

//if (dayofweek == cday and dom == 0 )
  // strategy.order("tradez", strategy.short, 1, limit = na, stop = na)
// strategy.order("tradez", strategy.short, 1, comment = "stratorder", when =  dayofweek == cday and dom == 0 and longorshort == 0)

// strategy.order("tradez", strategy.long, 1, comment = "stratorder", when =  dayofweek == cday and dom == 0 and longorshort == 1)

if (longorshort == 0 and dom != 0)
    strategy.entry("tradez", strategy.long, when = (dayofmonth == dom ))
if (longorshort == 1 and dom != 0)
    strategy.entry("tradez", strategy.short, when = (dayofmonth == dom ))

strategy.close("tradez", when = (dayofmonth == cmday and dom != 0 ))