
4All-Alert Script

This is the alert script for automating a previously shared strategy.

You can get the strategy script and instructions for setting it up here:


本着真正的TradingView精神,该脚本的作者将其开源发布,以便交易者可以理解和验证它。为作者喝彩!您可以免费使用它,但在出版物中重复使用此代码受网站规则的约束。 您可以收藏它以在图表上使用。



//This study is for custom alerts that are best used with the Chrome Extension AutoView for automating TradingView alerts.
//You can get the AutoView extension for FREE using the following link
study("4All-Alert", shorttitle="Alerts")

src = close
len = input(4, minval=1, title="Length")

up = rma(max(change(src), 0), len)
down = rma(-min(change(src), 0), len)
rsi = down == 0 ? 100 : up == 0 ? 0 : 100 - (100 / (1 + up / down))

rsin = input(5)
sn = 100 - rsin
ln = 0 + rsin

short = crossover(rsi, sn) ? 1 : 0
long = crossunder(rsi, ln) ? 1 : 0

plot(long, "Long", color=green)
plot(short, "Short", color=red)

// The following are to be placed in the message section of each alert in order
//for the extension to place the trades on 1broker for you

//c=order b=long
//c=position b=long l=200 t=market
//b=short q=0.01 l=200 t=market tp=13 sl=25

//c=order b=short
//c=position b=short l=200 t=market
//b=long q=0.01 l=200 t=market tp=13 sl=25